1. Asphalt pavement has high temperature stability.
High temperature stability refers to the ability of asphalt pavement to resist flow deformation. Since the strength and stiffness of the asphalt pavement decreases significantly with the increase of temperature, in order to better ensure that the asphalt pavement will not cause diseases such as waves, sliding, rutting, and crowding under the repeated action of the driving load in the high temperature season, the asphalt pavement should have good high temperature stability.
2. Asphalt pavement has low temperature crack resistance.
Low temperature crack resistance refers to the ability of an asphalt pavement to resist low temperature shrinkage cracks. As the asphalt pavement decreases with temperature, the stiffness increases and the swelling capacity decreases. Under the action of external load, part of the stress has no time to relax, and the stress gradually accumulates. When the accumulated stress exceeds the tensile strength of the material, cracking will occur, which will lead to the damage of the road surface, so the asphalt pavement should have low stiffness at low temperature. And larger deformation resistance to meet the low temperature crack resistance.

3. Asphalt pavement has water stability.
Water stability refers to the ability of asphalt pavement to resist the erosion of water and gradually produce asphalt film peeling, grain loss, loosening, and pits and grooves. This is because the presence of moisture reduces the cohesion of the asphalt itself, and also destroys the cohesion between the asphalt and the aggregate in the asphalt pavement, thereby accelerating the spalling phenomenon and causing water damage to the road.
4. Asphalt pavement should have fatigue resistance.
Fatigue resistance refers to the ability of an asphalt pavement to resist damage under repeated loads. It is because the asphalt pavement is subjected to the repeated action of wheel loads during its use, and it is in a state of overlapping stress and strain for a long time, resulting in a gradual decrease in the structural strength of the pavement.