The influence of driving load and natural factors on the pavement changes gradually with the increase of pavement depth. Therefore, the requirements for the strength, deformation resistance and stability of pavement materials change with the increase of depth. In order to adapt to this feature, the pavement structure should be layered.
Asphalt pavement structure is divided into surface course, base course and functional layer

(1) Surface course:
Function: directly bear the driving load and environmental factors
Requirements: high strength and stiffness, good water stability and temperature stability, wear-resistant and flat surface
Materials: asphalt concrete, cement concrete, asphalt mastic macadam mixture
(2) Base course:
Function: bearing and spreading load
Requirements: sufficient strength, stiffness, flatness and water stability, good diffusion stress effect and strong anti scouring ability. The lowest layer is the subbase to share the load and reduce the thickness of the base.
Materials: cement stabilized, lime stabilized, lime fly ash stabilized
(3) Function layer:
Function: improve the humidity and temperature of subgrade, and ensure that the surface course and base course are not adversely affected by the change of subgrade water temperature
Requirements: the strength is not necessarily high, but the temperature insulation performance and water stability are good
Classification: wearing course, tack coat, seal coat, stress absorbing layer, prime coat, drainage layer and antifreeze layer