Application of Asphalt Macadam Synchronous Sealing Technology in Road Construction
December 9th,2020

1. Principle of synchronous sealing technology of asphalt macadam.

Asphalt macadam synchronous seal is to use special equipment to evenly sprinkle (spread) asphalt and single-size macadam on the pavement, and form the asphalt macadam surface treatment structure layer after rolling.

Asphalt macadam synchronous sealing layer is divided into upper sealing layer and lower sealing layer. Applied to the road surface (upper seal layer) can significantly improve the adhesion, slip resistance and wear resistance of the road surface. Used between the asphalt surface layer and the stable layer (lower seal layer) can significantly improve the waterproof and sealing performance of the pavement, reduce the reflection cracks of the pavement, and increase the crack resistance of the pavement.


2. The role of asphalt macadam seal technology

(1) Good water resistance: The overall mechanical characteristic of the synchronous gravel seal is flexibility, which can increase the crack resistance of the road surface, reduce the reflection cracks of the road surface, and improve the water resistance and water seepage performance of the road surface. For example, rubber asphalt or polymer-modified asphalt is used as the binding material for better results.

(2) Good anti-slip properties: the gravel bonded to the road surface by asphalt in the synchronous gravel seal is in direct contact with the tire, and its roughness increases the friction coefficient between the road surface and the rubber tire, and can significantly improve the adhesion of the road surface performance, thereby improving driving safety.

(3) Good abrasion resistance and durability: The synchronous sealing layer adopts the effective bonding of the same size wear-resistant crushed stone and the asphalt, and the crushed stone particles sink into the asphalt at a height of 2/3, increasing the contact area between the two and improving The inner covering strength makes the asphalt macadam seal layer have good wear resistance and durability.

(4) Good economy: Whether it is used for road maintenance or as a transitional pavement, the comprehensive cost-effectiveness of the asphalt macadam synchronous seal is significantly better than other road surface treatment methods, thereby greatly reducing road maintenance costs.

(5) Strong adaptability: Whether it is a cold area or a hot area, a humid area or a dry area, as long as the appropriate construction materials are selected for different grades of pavement, the construction process can achieve satisfactory results.

(6) Fast opening of traffic: Synchronous sealing construction of asphalt macadam, simple process, fast construction, and speed limit opening to traffic after one hour.