How to add asphalt concrete pavement to the old cement concrete pavement?
May 6, 2022
In the old cement concrete pavement to add asphalt concrete pavement, this situation does not need special treatment, but pay attention to the rationality of the smoothness of the road surface elevation, because there is a height difference, that is, to make an extended small gentle slope at the junction.

In order to ensure the integrity between the asphalt pavement structural layer and the base layer, the semi-rigid base layer must be sprayed with hot asphalt permeability. Dry the base surface slightly and then water.


When the grass-roots layer takes a long time after completion and the surface is over-dry, the grass-roots layer should be cleaned, and the dust and sand and gravel are blown out with a blower, and a small amount of water is sprinkled on the surface of the grass-roots layer, and the surface is slightly watered after a thousand. When pouring, it is advisable to use an asphalt sprinkler to water evenly at one time, and when there is an omission, use manual sprinkling.
Before pouring through the layer, the road surface should be cleaned. The sprinkled permeable asphalt should penetrate into a certain depth of the grass-roots level, should not flow on the surface, and must not form an oil film, and there is excess permeable asphalt in the local area of the ministry of authorities that penetrates into the grass-roots layer and should be removed. After pouring through the layer of asphalt, vehicles and pedestrians are strictly prohibited from passing. The brush is applied manually when applying a brush to a newly laid asphalt mixture.
According to the specification, the construction temperature of asphalt material paving is not less than 10 °C. It is required that the newly poured cement concrete pavement be cleaned to ensure that the pavement is pollution-free, the debris is removed cleanly, and the tap water well on the pavement is adjusted to the asphalt concrete elevation of the design paving to ensure the smoothness of the pavement.
Because the asphalt pavement is a flexible pavement, under higher temperature conditions, it is easy to form deformation, and cracking, so it is required to close the construction, and the temperature is lower than 50 ° C before the traffic can be opened.