What are the asphalt pavement maintenance measures?
May 13, 2022

1) Water sealing at the micro-surface is a representative preventive and maintenance measure, which can effectively deal with mild diseases of asphalt pavement, improve the flatness, anti-slip performance and anti-seepage performance of the pavement. At the same time, the micrometer technology has the advantages of high efficiency, low pollution and energy saving, but there are shortcomings of excessive noise during driving, and the relevant researchers reduce the impact of noise by incorporating fibers, rubber materials and studying high-viscosity and low-noise micrometers.


2) The ultra-thin wear layer is formed by spreading emulsified asphalt on the side of the paver and paving intermittently mixed with hot mix asphalt mixture, which can improve the problem of lateral drainage of the road, reduce noise pollution, and have good anti-slip performance, while the construction speed is fast and the project cost is low. The ultra-thin wear layer of emulsion-type cement material under cold mixing technology has the characteristics of semi-flexibility, good flatness and no noise.
3) The gravel sealing layer is actually a kind of asphalt gravel grinding layer, which can effectively solve the diseases such as ruts, slight cracks, and subsidence.